Friday, March 26, 2010

To the most wonderful husband in the world!!


You're better than the best
I'm lucky just to linger in your light
Cooler than the flip-side of my pillow (that's right)
Completely unaware
Nothing can compare to where you send me
Let's me know that it's okay (yea, it's okay)
And the moments when my good times start to fade

You make me smile like a sun, Fall outta bed
Sing like a bird, Dizzy in my head
Spin like a record, Crazy on a Sunday night
You make me dance like fool, Forget how to breathe
Shine like gold, Buzz like a bee
Just the thought of you can drive me wild
Oh, you make me smile

Even when you're gone
Somehow you come along just like a flower pokin through the sidewalk crack
And just like that
You steal away the rain
And just like that


Don't know how I lived without you
'Cuz everytime that I get around you
I see the best of me inside your eyes
You make me smile
You make me dance like fool, Forget how to breathe
Shine like gold, Buzz like a bee
Just the thought of you can drive me wild
Oh, you make me smile


(Oh, you make me smile)
Oh you make me smille
(Oh, you make me smile)
Oh you make me smille

Friday, March 19, 2010

One of "those" days

It's not a bad day, really. Just a kick-back-around-the-house kinda day, until I have to go to work at 1:45. Anyone who knows me, knows I am NOT a lazy person, but I have learned that I cannot work when my back flares up, so when it did last night, I came home, iced it, lounged around all night (except when I had to tend to the little one's demands), watched a movie with the hubs, went to bed and woke up in excruciating pain. Even after everything I did, it was still very sore. So, I took a pain pill and I'm STILL lounging around! I have to get this under control before work because if my boss knows, she will freak out, since I still haven't really kissed and made up with her totally. She hurt me, and I'm holdin on to it!

It's Friday! Normally that doesn't mean much, but it actually does start my weekend. From Payless, at least. I have Pampered Chef parties to throw this weekend. Saturday, Sunday and Monday, but at least that isn't 8.5 hrs on my feet dealing with customers and shoes. I normally have my house in order every other Friday (well, any day, really...stupid neat freak in me), because the girls come over today, but like I said, my back is healing, so the dishes are piled up, the laundry is un-folded (but at least washed!) and we're still in our PJ's!

Elijah has eaten 4 bowls of cereal in the 4 hours he has been up, now. We ran out of milk after the 2nd bowl and he's been eating it dry the last 2 bowls. A convo we had about said milk:

Me: "We need to get some milk."

E: "We don't have any milk. It's all gone."

Me: "I know, we need to go BUY some."

E: "Wal Mart has milk!"

Me: "Yes, I know Wal Mart has milk."


So, we may have to venture out to the store, because now we have no juice, either and that's just not gonna work. Water is the devil to Elijah, unless it comes out of my water bottle, when he wants to drink it.

I have a 2 hour lunch today during my shift. I don't know why, she's never done that before, but it will either change, or just be a really long lunch!

Well, guess I didn't have much to say. Wish I could enjoy this BEAUTIFUL weather we are having! But, the meds I just started say no long exposure to sunlight...*sigh* We will have more spring weather, soon enough.


Friday, March 12, 2010

Way to piss off a fat chick!

Lots has happened in the last month and a half.

We moved into our own place. Thank God, and everything Holy for that one!

We continue to live our lives as promised and stick by one another. Our relationship had a few bumps in it one night, but I believe we are over them, one of us merely bruised, but not scarred by the turn we took and I really, REALLY hope to never go down that road, again.

I was out of work for a few days a few weeks ago because my sciatica flared up pretty badly and I couldn't get it under control to save my life. The day before I was due back to work, I noticed Devin wasn't feeling well. I took him to the doctor and he was diagnosed with strep. He was given a 5 day antibiotic and was feeling better in about 24 hrs. Easy peasy!

About a week later, I come down with a cold. Now, colds usually aren't my friend because of the sinus issues I suffer from. So, I wasn't too excited to have gotten this one, but I was on an "aggressive" round of antibiotics and prednisone for 3 weeks to try and shrink the cysts and polyps in one of my sinus cavities and wasn't concerned with getting the strep or a sinus infection, for the antibiotics had me covered! My 3 weeks was up about a week into the cold and I really wasn't feeling any better. But, I fought it, I kept going to work and I kept doing my Pampered Chef parties and I kept trying to get better. This last Saturday, my boss was coming in and before she got there, I texted her and asked if I could possibly go home at my lunch. My lunch was 4 hours into my shift and when I get back from lunch would only leave her without me for 3 hours. She texted me back and said, "I'm coming in early, we need to talk."

Now, my boss and I are pretty close, or so I'd like to think. We're more friends and I'd like to think that I never really need the whole "boss/employee" relationship cause I have been there for so long. If I have a question, I ask it, but more on a friend trying to learn level...not a I'm scared to ask my boss anything cause she's gonna think I'm stupid level.

So, she does come in, about 30 minutes early. She barely says hi to me and tells me, "When the store is clear, ha ha, come to the back and we will talk." It takes me about 20-30 minutes, but the store is finally clear and I go back to get my whippin.

She starts laying into me about how if I can't be there on my scheduled times, it makes HER job a lot harder because she needs to do managerial things to get prepared for our District Manager to come (what was yesterday) and that she NEEDS me to be there when I am scheduled so that she can get HER stuff done while I run the store. *blink blink*

What on-lookers don't know, is that she has missed the most work out of the rest of us combined, just in the last 3 months. Whenever she is tired, has a migraine, cramps, doesn't feel good or just doesn't want to work, she goes home. She leaves whichever one of us ALONE, to go home and do what she wants to do, while we run the store.

I let last Saturday go, I know she really did need to get stuff done, but I don't understand why she waited until a Saturday, our busiest day of the week, to get stuff done and leave me, being as sick as I am/was, to run the store efficiently, by myself. So be it, it's done and over. I worked my whole shift and I made it out sick, but alive. I also made a 12 hour day that day because I also had a Pampered Chef party to throw that night. But, that's not the case!

I had Sunday off, but had to go in to work for a meeting Sunday night. I had Monday off, I worked Tuesday and I worked Wednesday. Tuesday I attempted to call my boss to ask her what happened with something I was confused on, I don't remember what, she never answered her phone, she never called back. Fine. Good thing the store wasn't on fire.

Wednesday I was dizzy, sweating, cold and working my butt off because ALL shoes had to be out before Thursday, when the DM got to the store. I never made an attempt to contact my boss. She called me at about 11 and when I answered the phone, I get a response of "Oh, dear God." I said, "Yes?" and she asked how I was feeling. I told her the truth, again, as a friend, not as my boss. If I looked at her as my boss, I would have lied and said I was fine. I told her I was feeling like crap but that we were making good head way on the work load. I mentioned I had decided to hit Urgent Care after work (wouldn't want to miss any work to go to the dr), she said, "Let me know what they say."

I got off at 5:15, I headed straight to Valley Immediate Care, sat in the lobby for an hour plus, had my vitals done in the meantime, was running a low grade fever, was called into a room, waited in there for another 30-45 mins, was finally seen and told I had a double ear infection on top of the cold I had and since I had a kid who just had strep, he wasn't going to run the test, but assumed I had some form of it. He put me back on Augmentin, which is what I had just taken 3 weeks of, and wrote me a script for Sudafed.

I came home and texted my boss. Just said, "Running fever and have a double ear infection. Start meds tomorrow." I texted again, "Oh, and strep!"

She texts me back probably about 20 minutes later and says, "You went to a dr and got these results?"

That's not a normal tone for her, that's a very pissy, impersonal tone.

I replied with, "Yes, I spent 2 hours at the dr getting these results."

She replies with, "I'm going to have to put you on LOA (leave of absence) until you get completely better."

"You've got to be freaking kidding me! Over a cold!?! Are you gonna put Ryann on an LOA the next time she gets sick?!?!"

She then calls me...

The shit hits the fan...

She starts SCREAMING at me, to where Nick, sitting on the other couch beside me, can hear every word she is saying. She screams about how I'm obviously too sick to be doing my job and that I didn't tell her it was just a cold and just was NOT listening to anything I was saying. She tells me how I should just take a break and be gone for awhile...until the tubes are put in my ears, my hearing is back, my back is better, etc. I fought with her for probably 20 mins to a half hour. Many tears were shed, many words were held back. I wanted to quit sooo badly, but this house depends on my income, now. I can't risk losing this place because I'm being verbally battered upon by my boss, who I thought was my friend. Nick just doesn't make enough with the child support and the insurance and whatnot for us to survive, so unless I find another job, which isn't likely in this economy, there is no way I can leave that place. Not yet.

I guess it's worse because we were close and I don't think we are going to be now. She hurt me...badly.

Needless to say, I was forced into an LOA, I plan on going back Monday, as much as I just want to give her the finger, I need the paycheck.


It's always something...always.