Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Life. Or the lack thereof.

So, things have been pretty unproductive. Our taxes came and went. We didn't pay everyone we should have/wanted to, but doesn't that happen every year? We also didn't get as much back as we had hoped. Meh, there's always next year. Found out yesterday that Nick's license is suspended. They decided to pull him for a random insurance check and he didn't respond. They mailed the notice last July. To a PO Box we had in town, that was on his license, but we had a PO Box in Glendale at that time, so he never got the notice. Niiiice. So, they say, "Give us proof that you had insurance on your vehicle as of July 29th, and we will reverse the suspension. Otherwise, you need to file an SR-22 for 3 years and pay a $75 reinstatement fee." Sweet. So, since I don't have the old insurance card, I called our old carrier and they said we cancelled in May. Poop. Now we are both suspended and both have to file SR-22s. Awesome. At least his only costs $75...mine is going to be over $1,000.00.

So, anywho...we got new phones with our taxes. Our old ones were going down the crapper and in no way were going to last until our contract is up in 18 months. I finally got my wedding ring, 6 months after getting married, lol. Not that it was our fault, things just happened around that time. We paid our bills to current and got a few little things here and there. And there went all the money. We are going to try and sell our pickup and be a one car family. We will see how that goes.

I applied for financial aid and to go back to school, so we will see how that pans out. I haven't heard anything back on taking my CNA class that is supposed to start in March, so I guess maybe I didn't get picked. Nick is finally caught up on his child support and we are getting that situated with his payroll and I'm still not really getting any. It's never as regular as Angela's is, I can never depend on when it will come, or how much it will even be. I check my account regularly and I will see deposits of $26, $43...weird shit. But there's no rhyme or reason as to when or how it will get there. It sucks when you depend on it to pay your bills and you can't even seem to depend on it.

We have all the kids this weekend, on top of it being Nick's big 30!!!!th birthday on Sunday. He has decided instead of making it about him for HIS birthday, he wanted to make it about the kids. How sweet is that? Or is he trying to avoid turning 30? lol Saturday we are taking the kids to the Ashland Science Works Museum and Sunday we are going to spend the day (or as much as we can) at the Family Fun Center.

So...that's the jist of it. I will update on anything that may happen in the future!