Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ta Da!!

Here I am, in all my glory. Not that it's that glorifying, but still. I'm here, what more do you want? We lost internet for almost 2 weeks. Surprisingly, I didn't feel like my whole life ended like I normally do when I don't have a computer. It seems I have been pretty busy up until this week. Lots of things happened this week, I guess, that probably changed that. Monday morning Nick got up and went to work, his Dad got up shortly after and went to work, I got up around 8 and realized 1.) Nick's mom was still home when she normally leaves around 7:45, and B.) Nick's dad was sitting in his chair. I was confused, but Nick's mom intercepted my concern in the hall and told me that Dad went to work and got sent home on lay off for the rest of the week. Swell. She then decided to take a sick day and call "all the people" she has been meaning to call. Alright. Now, remember that on Mondays I am home by myself. I kind of look forward to these days. So, Tuesday, Nick's mom goes to work and I'm sitting on the couch eating when she scares the piss out of me by walking by the livingroom window. She comes in the house and says, "Well, it's official. After 13 years, they laid me off." Oh. Great. So, now out of 4 adults, Nick is the only one left working and let me tell ya, we can't afford to support ourselves, hence the living with the parents deal, and now he's the only source of income. Hopefully when his dad goes back on Monday, he will at least be part time...SOMEthing to help keep the money coming in.

So, with them being home, I missed my normal laundry day of Mondays because mom does theirs over the weekend, I wait until Monday to do ours. I have very little housework to do, and I haven't been cooking any meals. Which leaves me utterly bored. Not that I WANT to do housework, but it would give me something to do!! I finished reading Twilight the other night, which I have been doing in my spare time and the crocheting that I picked up, I can only do for so long before my hands hurt. Stupid hands.

I'm still waiting on tax info from the Employment Department so we can file taxes. My phones are close to being shut off because our bank account has been messed up since we moved 2 weeks ago. Yay us. I need to pick up the things from the daycare providers that watched the kids, so I can write that stuff off. Ugh. I just want to file and get it over with! I need to pay all my tickets, try to get my license back and see if I can get out of the SR-22 that the state is trying to make me do.

Child support is lame. They rarely get me money every 15 days or so, it just depends on when they feel like it. They are taking too much out of Nick's checks because he is caught up, but they sure aren't being super speedy about fixing it.

The girls are too good to talk to me, and even their father at times. They supposively cry for him all the time when they are with their mom, but when they come here, it's no longer about him, it's about Nana and Papa. Despite our best efforts to try to explain to all parties involved that they need to come to US first, they refuse. His mom takes it into her hands, or the girls just ignore the pleas.

The boys are driving me nuts. Elijah thinks he runs the house, Brandon still refuses to listen, but we still can't figure out what's "wrong" with him. We have been to the psychologist 4? times now. Still no diagnosis. He tells me there is no ADHD, but that there is SOMEthing. Just don't know what, yet. This is frustrating me. Summer is a mere 4 months away and I wanted to be able to get him under control and in a normal class room before he hits 2nd grade. Doesn't seem that's going to happen. As it is right now, if he earns it, he gets the last hour of class in his normal 1st grade class, which seems to be a goal he strives for, but there is a long way to go before putting him back in full time. He was suspended from the Boys and Girls Club, yet again, last night for throwing an air hockey puck across the game room because he got mad at someone. Great. I just...want my son to be normal. I want him to be able to get mad and not intentionally hurt someone or something. Anyway, before I start crying, enough of that.

Nick and I are awesome. I love him to pieces. He is definitely everything I have ever wanted. I catch myself just staring at him at times because he's just so gorgeous and so very good to me. When he asks me what I'm doing, I can't even explain to him. A simple, "nothing" just falls out of my mouth because I would feel stupid telling him why I'm staring at him. lol *sigh* I love him so much and I he makes my crappy life so much better because he is right there with me.