Friday, January 23, 2009


Well, we have spent the last 2 weekends moving. I hate moving. It's like pulling teeth, just do it quick so I can get it over with, but don't do it if you don't have to. lol Our storage unit is filled almost to the door and our house is going to throw up if we jam any more stuff in it. Hopefully we will be out this weekend, no ifs ands or buts about it.

On the plus side, I have been to 3 Weight Watchers meetings. My 2nd week/weigh in, I had gained something like .6 pounds. Not bad, it was probably the clothes and shoes I was wearing, but still, a gain is a gain. Plus, I hadn't actually started a full on diet, as I still didn't understand all of it at that point. So, after the 2nd meeting is when I decided to hit it full force. I did really well, some days were better than others, but I survived. So, I went to my 3rd meeting yesterday and did my weigh in. I have to admit I didn't eat anything but breakfast yesterday, but honestly, I wasn't hungry until the meeting was getting over and why eat if I'm not hungry. I stepped on the scale and was down 5.8 pounds!!!! HOLY CRAP! One really shouldn't lose that in one week, but hey, I didn't do anything unhealthy so, GO ME! I'm so freaking excited that I could poop myself.

So, that's it in a nutshell. I'm super excited about losing the weight and moving out of Glendale, now I just need a new job and a bigger house and I will be all set!