Friday, January 9, 2009

Here's to hopin' things go better in '09

So, I am taking more antibiotics, along with steroids to try and kick the sinus infection I have had since the weekend after my birthday. Yes, in October. This is January. You do the math. So, I had to pay yet another co-pay to see my family doctor once again so that I can get a new med and hope it helps. They can't just trust me and call in something new. Nope, I have to pay the doctor's co-pay plus the cost of meds. Sigh. Not good when you have no job. But, you know, I'm the one who has had 3 surgeries on these stupid, useless parts of your body, I think I would know when I need medicine, but, they make me come in. The appointment was scheduled for 3:15 in which I walked in the door right on the nose. I sat in the waiting room for about 4 minutes and was called back. The time I walked in to the time I walked out? 19 minutes. That's including the writing of the prescription and the scheduling of the next appointment. Yep. Totally useless appointment.

Anyway, they have me on a strong antibiotic, and it makes me really dizzy. Seems to do it more with the second dose than with the first, but it's a yucky feeling. If this treatment doesn't work, he is sending me back to my Ear, Nose and Throat doctor to see what they say. Yay me. Hopefully I won't have to have surgery again.

So, my grandmother's resolution for me this year is the Weight Watchers thing I discussed in the last blog. I went to my first meeting last night. When I got home yesterday, I looked up meetings and it happened to be on Thursdays, so I went. It's just down the street and Nick was watching his Oklahoma football game. I have to admit, it was boring. The meeting was full of newbs, so they went over the whole program with us, we paid for our memberships and we left after about an hour and a half. Hopefully next week won't be so long.

Today is a good day, so far. Eli and I are kinda kickin back for the day before the slew of children come home later. All 5 kids all weekend! I'm kind of excited, but frustrated at the same time.

Devin and Brandon had their first appointment with the psychologist in Medford on the 5th. Devin was "tested" and the doctor told me that he seemed to be a pretty good candidate for therapy and/or meds. We will discuss the results of said test on the 19th when we go back and have Brandon's testing. We originally wanted to get Brandon's behavior under control but Devin has been having some issues as well. His are no where near what Brandon's are. He just talks. A lot. And occasionally bounces off walls more than normal. And Brandon...well, he's a whole different story. I don't even want to get into it on here cause anyone who knows us knows what is wrong with him. I have talked a lot about it on my Myspace blog.

Well, I'm off to finish up my laundry and putt putting around the house. TTFN!