Thursday, January 8, 2009

And a new blog spot is born...

Well, here I am. Me. Yep. Take it as you'd like.

So, today I went to pay my last month's rent on our house in Glendale. My Grandmother is sad to see us go, but hopes life treats us well while living with Nick's parents. While at my Grandparent's house, my Grandma decided she wanted to pay for me to do Weight Watchers. Her daughter (my aunt, obviously) died 5(?) years ago on the 19th and she was only in her early 50's. She died from an enlarged heart, which my Grandma tells me is from the fact that she was overweight for too long. I have been overweight for 10 1/2 years. It all started with the birth control I was on. Then the baby, then the next baby, then I was depressed and lazy, then yet another baby. It just keeps piling on. While I would like to think I have plateaued, in all reality, I have not. I have hit the mark that I swore I never would, and I seem to keep gaining just a couple more pounds here and there. I started crying when she mentioned that the boys need me to see more of their lives. So, please, wish me luck!


Amber Rae said...

Hey I was thinking about doing weight watchers. Are you doing it local with the meetings and everything or are you going to do it online? Maybe we could do it together for extra support, us big girls gotta stick together!

*Desi*Ferguson* said...

I do it here. At the fairgrounds. Come with me!