Monday, May 11, 2009

A weekend away

I needed a break, from life. Unfortunately, it seems that I need them more often than I can get them.

1.) It costs money.

2.) I don't have money.

3.) Weekend are normally pretty screwed up because Elijah leaves Saturday afternoons, 3 weekends a month and we have to be back to town by 7pm on Sunday to pick up the other boys from their dad.


So, we decided to get away. We went to Cottage Grove, I have friends there that are more than willing to take us on with open arms. We brought all 3 boys with us because they were all home for Mother's Day weekend. We left here Friday. We should have left at 2:30, but low and behold, my middle son doesn't listen and got on the bus after school when I was sitting right there waiting to pick him up. Oh well, I met him at the Boys and Girls Club and got him in the truck. Then I had to stop and give my mom her Mother's Day stuff at her work. Then we went and picked Nick up from work, stopped at Dutch Bros. cause it was MDA day and all proceeds went to Muscular Dystrophy Association which we highly support (Nick's Dad and Brother have it). We started our way up, made the trip with no major meltdowns or anything. It's the furthest North Elijah has been. He's been South, to Yreka and San Fransisco. We spent some time at the park while our friends were finishing up a movie and being stuck in traffic in Eugene. Ran to the store and got the kids some milk, ran and got pizza for dinner and went to the house to settle in.

Friday night was a bad night for Elijah. He couldn't sleep well. At all. New place, new bed, all 3 kids in one bed, etc. So, I had little to no sleep Friday night. Saturday we got up and went to Eugene for breakfast. Had a yummy breakfast and went to a hardware store to get a key cut. By then, Elijah was soaked. I had forgotten to check his pull-up before we left the house and the diaper bag was in the house because it had toys in it that he was playing with. So, we had no extra clothes and no diapers. After the hardware store, we went to Wal Mart across the street from where I used to live, found him pants and a shirt for $2.50 each and got him some new pull-ups. Changed him in the truck, drove around for awhile, went to the mall, walked around, got Nick a new shirt, got some Cinnabon and got the kids some candy. Left the mall to get gas and went back to Cottage Grove. We bummed around the house for awhile, they left for awhile, I think I took a little nap, they came home, we had dinner and then went to the Cottage Grove Speedway, or whatever it was called. I was hesitant about going, but was going to do it for Nick. The kids liked it, Elijah liked it the most, Devin was into it, but Brandon was bored out of his mind. Our friends left early, around 9:30 and I asked if they would take the older 2 with them. they did and we stayed til it was over at 11:30. 4.5 hours at a race track. Me? Yeah. It was freaking AWESOME. I loved it. It was a dirt track, not very big, but it was SOOO fun. At one point, a dirt claud came through the fence and bounced off Elijah's back, but he was okay, never even flinched.

We went back to the house and put Eli to bed on the floor in our room, hoping he would sleep better. He fell asleep around midnight and woke up at 5am. Not much sleep at all. I went to bed around 1 and got up with him at 5, so I was dragging for the first part of the day Sunday. Jenny made us french toast and bacon for breakfast and then they left for Eugene for shopping or something. I passed out on the bed while Nick and Elijah were playing and then Eli passed out on the couch so Nick put him in bed with me. I got up and we bummed around the house some more. Our friends got home from Eugene and we started packing up for the trip home.

We came home and I was annoyed within 30 seconds of being here. But, we sold our old phones, so I made $200! Woo! That made up for the annoyance a little bit.

Nick made me dinner. He made chicken fingers and pasta roni, per my request. It was wonderful and I loved it!