Monday, January 25, 2010

I very well may freeze to death before I finish typing this :p

So, let's see...

I found a new doctor (well, NP) who LISTENS! to what I have to say. Yay! So, I went in and saw her last Tuesday. I spent an hour and a half with her in the room, going over various ailments and medical history. After the paper stuff, she started the exam. She listened to my lungs, said they were nice, listened to my heart and asked me if I had ever been told I have a murmur. *jaw drops to the floor* Why no, no, I have not! I'm very anxious about this murmur because I have *no* idea when it started and what is causing it. I have read things online about adult onset of murmurs and it just made me more sick to my stomach, so, we will see. She examined me and asked me mass amounts of questions about my "headache" I had before Thanksgiving. She said, even though I was diagnosed with a migraine the first time and a muscle spasm headache the second time, that she thinks I may have just had a concussion. I have no idea what a concussion feels like because I have never experienced one prior. We talked shortly about my Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome deal and she gave me a glucose pill that will help regulate the monthly cycle again, advised me to get BACK on my anti-depressant and ordered a whole crap ton of test.

She wants:

-A CT scan of the head, she wants to check for the possibilities of me having a small stroke when I had that head pain (scary) and with the CT, she wants a sinus survey done so we can see if there are any polyps forming again of if all the pain is just from the thickening of the lining

-An echocardiogram for the cause of the murmur and to see if my heart is okay

-An ultrasound of my thyroid because she said it's rather hard and while I protested and said that I had just had my thyroid tested in September, she reassured me with telling me that most doctors only order one lab for the thyroid and she does 5 different ones. So, here's to hopin she finds yet another excuse to my weight issue :p (the PCOS also causes weight gain)

-I need to be tested for sleep apnea...but I think that is coming later

-I have a whole bunch of labs that need to be done in about an hour...she wants to check my vitamin D levels, my cholesterol, my glucose, the blood part of the thyroid, and some other stuff I don't understand on the lab slip

So, I had initially gone in with major complaints of my back. I wanted that looked at/dealt with first, but I guess the other things are more important. She sent me home with a pain med script and I will protest again and make her do something about it when I go back. But, I may be going back sooner than anticipated, I have managed to get to the point where it's painful to sit for longer than 3 minutes. It doesn't matter the position, my posture, hurts. I was asked this morning how I do it and how I work with it like this and all I have to say is I'm in some sort of pain, every day of my life and I have learned to manage pretty well. With my back, I am usually up and on the go, anyhow, so the sitting doesn't happen often, unless I'm in the car or trying to relax in the evenings.

This week is going to be a very anxious week for me. I want it to go by quickly. Today I am having my blood drawn, then I go to work and close. Tomorrow I am having all those other tests done (minus the Sleep Apnea) and I have the day off, Wednesday our District Manager is going to be down and I find out if I'm going to Assistant Manager right now, or just to full time for now, Thursday I open at work and we are going to (please please please) be filing taxes when I get off and then Friday we start the process of finding/finalizing a place to live. I can't freakin wait!

So, that's it in a nutshell. Will update as I know more.