Friday, January 29, 2010

It's funny that I woke up today

After a day like yesterday, I really wish I hadn't. I would love for anything other than another day like yesterday.

So, I got my promotion at work the other day, and a raise. I'm just Full-Time for now, but the next step is Assistant Manager, and I will get there...soon! It will, of course, entail another raise in money and in hours, so that will be exciting. As a full-timer, I get more perks from the company that a part-timer doesn't get, but of course, not as many as my Store Manager.

Still no w-2 for Nick. Yesterday (when he should have gotten it) there were rumors that they would come in today. I *really* hope so. I wanna start this bankruptcy ball rolling and get the hell out of this place. I really just can't take it anymore, but it seems that my poor hubby is feeling the same way. It's straining on us as individuals and as a couple...especially if you take the fight we had last night into consideration. Our biggest fight in over 13 months. Nick never loses his temper enough to scream at me, and he did, but I think we both used it as a way to get our emotions out and now we are all better. Lasted no more than an hour...including the make-up talk.

I had my tests done on Tuesday, they went semi-quick. I had my CT scans, one of my head and one of my sinuses (for 2 different things), straight from that room I was rushed off to have the ultrasound of my thyroid done. That one hurt. He had to press so hard on my throat to get the pictures...eep! So, then he went and asked if they were ready to do my echo and I guess they said no? cause he said they usually stay on schedule and don't take people in early like he had. It was 12:26 and he sent me back out to the lobby of the hospital. I didn't even have time to type out a text and a lady came and got me for my echo. When I mentioned that I had just came out, she made some stupid joke and we walked right back to where I was, 2 doors down. She had me disrobe from the waist up and put on the gown. I laid on my left side, facing her, she hooked me up to some wires and then she did the ultrasound of my heart. When she made my heartbeat audible, I had asked if the extra loud "Ka-thunk!" I heard was the supposed murmur. She claimed everything was working fine thus far and she hadn't found a murmur. She did this view for a long time and then went to a different angle. Did that one for a little while and then went from right under my sternum and looked up...that one only lasted a few.

At the very end of the echo, she then declares that I have 2 leaky valves that are causing the murmur(s) but she said it's nothing to worry about. These were adult on-set and while SHE may think it's nothing to worry about, she's not my doctor, or the cardiologist and she doesn't realize that 5 years ago this month, my 53 year old aunt dropped dead in the middle of her bus route because her heart just stopped beating. She had just taken a physical and was declared healthy (other than the fact that she was overweight and a smoker). I'm the same way. I have been told many times before that I very healthy for being the size I am, and I'm alright with that!

My new medication is making me sick. I spent all day at work yesterday feeling like I was going through menopause. I was dizzy, nauseated and having hot flashes all day. As long as I held on to something while I was standing or moving, I was able to control it and not fall over like I wanted to. I called the dr at 9...she called me back at 5. Way to get back to your patients in a timely manner. :p The only suggestion she had was to cut the pill in half and take it pretty well into the middle of my breakfast. I don't normally eat breakfast, so the last few days I have been forcing myself to so I can take the medicine. We'll see if the breaking in half helps any or not.

So, with that being said, I had a really difficult day yesterday.

This isn't even to go into all the crap that happened at work, that I'm purposely leaving out.

It's my life, every time I take a step forward (my promotion/raise), I take about 5 back (the rest of my life). It's very emotionally draining and not even the medication is helping any more.