Saturday, March 26, 2011

Okay, okay

It was brought to my attention that I have not blogged in....well....*counts on fingers*...let's just say "forever".

So, here I am.  I am currently in my sweats and a tank top, sitting at the dining room table (I had just balanced my checkbook...yay me!) all alone.  My two pups are very bad dogs as I turned around to see what they were doing and they are on my brand new couch!  As IF!  My honey has been work-napped to be a slave to Duro-Last for the day.  I hate when he works Saturdays.  I know, I know, I should be thankful he HAS a job...and I am!!  Every day...except Saturdays and Sundays! LOL

So, I woke up super early yesterday morning, startled awake by a bad dream.  I got up and saw Nick for a few minutes before he left for work and went about my day.  It was an unexpected "sick day" for me.  I needed a break from work and I got one and it was WONDERFUL!!  I had all intentions on napping with the children when it came time, I even rescheduled the dog's vet appointment to be earlier, so I didn't have to keep kids up and take them with me during nap time.  We ventured to the vet with the sun at our was a lovely spring morning.  We stopped at Tanya's to drop off Nick's laptop to her, since hers is being shipped back from California after leaving it at her vacation destination...oops...and it was payday, and I knew she had bills to pay.  Then we went to the vet. Phew, handling to pups under a year old is hard work.  I got Bella's shots and had them check to see if Shanti had been spayed or not.  Turns out she had!! I was sooo excited!  So, I had her shot for Rabies so I can go license them together.  Yay me!

We then got gas and went to the Grange.  I got the pups a bone each (HUGE!) and a kong each (not so huge).  Came home, dropped Bella off to her crate, left her with a bone and left with the kids yet again to pick up lunch so we could accompany Nick at his work and let him say goodbye to the girls.  They had been over for 9 days for Spring Break and it was time for all 3 little kids to go to the opposite house.  So, Taco Bell we went!

Grabbed our lunch, went to Duro-Last, surprised my sweetie, ate with him and brought the kids home for naps.  It was just after 1 when I laid them down and the other parents were due to get off work at 4, so they had plenty of time to nap.  I sat on the couch and pulled up my Netflix on my laptop and watched another episode of an ABC Family show I have been hooked on called The Secret Life of the American Teenager.  Pretty good show.  Needless to say, with the amazing day I was having, I wasn't tired at that exact moment, so I chose to skip my nap.

I woke kids up, got them changed and dropped them off at their destination and went to Tanya's for a little while.  Went to Albertson's to pick up my meds (time to bleed! since I can't seem to do it on my own now), grabbed some already made Chicken Fajita mix and some cheese and came home.

Had an amazing dinner with my sweetie and then he watched a boy movie that I didn't care for while I messed around on Facebook, took a hot shower, drank some hot cocoa and went in my room to watch TV in where I passed out....only to wake up at 3:30 this morning!

So, now, here I sit waiting for a daycare child on my very last Saturday of doing daycare regularly...

I have a nail appointment at 10 and when the boy gets picked up, I am free until tomorrow night at 7! YAHOO!