Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A new me?

So, I got a membership to the YMCA in February, on a scholarship, but there, nonetheless!  Nick and I were dragging the kids every Monday and Wednesday night.  We would drop the older boys in the pool, take Eli to daycare, go work out for our 45 mins to an hour and then get Eli and swim for the last hour.  It was quite a process cause it seemed we were never home.  Then everything changed.  The boys started Kung Fu and the girls started soccer and Eli started T-Ball.  So, when the girls' mom can't get Emma to practice, we are responsible to get her there.  Okay, that's fine and dandy, I'd love to help out, versus seeing her suffer because she missed a practice.

So, here's the new schedule:

Monday:  Boys Kung Fu 415-515
                Emma soccer practice 600-700
                Eli T-Ball Game 500-630
(no YMCA)

Wednesday: Boys Kung Fu 415-515
                     Emma Soccer Practice 600-700
                     Eli T-Ball Practice 600-700
(no YMCA)

Saturday: Allison's Soccer Game 900-1000
                Emma Soccer Game (time varies)
                Eli T-Ball Game 830-1000

(The YMCA is only open 1200-500 on the weekends)

Mind you that Nick and I both work all day.  So, PHEW!  We are having fun doing it, though!

In any case, we can't go to Y much lately, so we are taking whatever time we can to walk at the park when it's not 20 degrees and pouring rain.  Tanya and I walked 2 miles last night and I left with HUGE blisters on my feet (boo!)  But, the point is, I am 14 lbs down...the scale reads in the 200's now, rather than the 300's.  That was my first goal!  The next goal is another 24 lbs away!

I have been suffering a horrible sinus infection for the last few weeks and it is absolutely going to kill me!  I have to get rid of it, and soon! Before the polyps start forming and I have to have surgery again.  So, let's hope it goes away, soon!

I made a different kind of enchiladas last night, they were so yummy!

Okay, I'm done!