Friday, January 23, 2009


Well, we have spent the last 2 weekends moving. I hate moving. It's like pulling teeth, just do it quick so I can get it over with, but don't do it if you don't have to. lol Our storage unit is filled almost to the door and our house is going to throw up if we jam any more stuff in it. Hopefully we will be out this weekend, no ifs ands or buts about it.

On the plus side, I have been to 3 Weight Watchers meetings. My 2nd week/weigh in, I had gained something like .6 pounds. Not bad, it was probably the clothes and shoes I was wearing, but still, a gain is a gain. Plus, I hadn't actually started a full on diet, as I still didn't understand all of it at that point. So, after the 2nd meeting is when I decided to hit it full force. I did really well, some days were better than others, but I survived. So, I went to my 3rd meeting yesterday and did my weigh in. I have to admit I didn't eat anything but breakfast yesterday, but honestly, I wasn't hungry until the meeting was getting over and why eat if I'm not hungry. I stepped on the scale and was down 5.8 pounds!!!! HOLY CRAP! One really shouldn't lose that in one week, but hey, I didn't do anything unhealthy so, GO ME! I'm so freaking excited that I could poop myself.

So, that's it in a nutshell. I'm super excited about losing the weight and moving out of Glendale, now I just need a new job and a bigger house and I will be all set!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Just bend me over with no lube...please

This is absolutely ridiculous. I am so tired of BANKS!!! Because my life doesn't seem to be screwed up enough, I have to deal with their stupid shit. When I first opened a new account at my bank, they convinced me to have a savings account where I will have any amount (I think $25.00 is the minimum) transferred into it on the 20th of every month. I was told, and I swear on everything Holy this is what I was told, that if the funds aren't there (and often they are not), the transfer would not happen. 2 months in a row now, that transfer has happened, regardless of what my account looks like. So this month? They put the transfer through, overdrew me and then put 3 $1.00 charges from redbox rentals through. So, at $39.50 for every NSF fee, we have 5. It's going to take every penny of Nick's check to make us positive again and anything that we had planned to pay/do, like moving and our tv payment, is out the window. I have called them both months and both months they basically just point and laugh. The lady today told me that I need to make SURE I account for that $25.00 every month to avoid this. Yeah, thanks, Capt. Obvious. You rock.

Good times.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Here's to hopin' things go better in '09

So, I am taking more antibiotics, along with steroids to try and kick the sinus infection I have had since the weekend after my birthday. Yes, in October. This is January. You do the math. So, I had to pay yet another co-pay to see my family doctor once again so that I can get a new med and hope it helps. They can't just trust me and call in something new. Nope, I have to pay the doctor's co-pay plus the cost of meds. Sigh. Not good when you have no job. But, you know, I'm the one who has had 3 surgeries on these stupid, useless parts of your body, I think I would know when I need medicine, but, they make me come in. The appointment was scheduled for 3:15 in which I walked in the door right on the nose. I sat in the waiting room for about 4 minutes and was called back. The time I walked in to the time I walked out? 19 minutes. That's including the writing of the prescription and the scheduling of the next appointment. Yep. Totally useless appointment.

Anyway, they have me on a strong antibiotic, and it makes me really dizzy. Seems to do it more with the second dose than with the first, but it's a yucky feeling. If this treatment doesn't work, he is sending me back to my Ear, Nose and Throat doctor to see what they say. Yay me. Hopefully I won't have to have surgery again.

So, my grandmother's resolution for me this year is the Weight Watchers thing I discussed in the last blog. I went to my first meeting last night. When I got home yesterday, I looked up meetings and it happened to be on Thursdays, so I went. It's just down the street and Nick was watching his Oklahoma football game. I have to admit, it was boring. The meeting was full of newbs, so they went over the whole program with us, we paid for our memberships and we left after about an hour and a half. Hopefully next week won't be so long.

Today is a good day, so far. Eli and I are kinda kickin back for the day before the slew of children come home later. All 5 kids all weekend! I'm kind of excited, but frustrated at the same time.

Devin and Brandon had their first appointment with the psychologist in Medford on the 5th. Devin was "tested" and the doctor told me that he seemed to be a pretty good candidate for therapy and/or meds. We will discuss the results of said test on the 19th when we go back and have Brandon's testing. We originally wanted to get Brandon's behavior under control but Devin has been having some issues as well. His are no where near what Brandon's are. He just talks. A lot. And occasionally bounces off walls more than normal. And Brandon...well, he's a whole different story. I don't even want to get into it on here cause anyone who knows us knows what is wrong with him. I have talked a lot about it on my Myspace blog.

Well, I'm off to finish up my laundry and putt putting around the house. TTFN!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

And a new blog spot is born...

Well, here I am. Me. Yep. Take it as you'd like.

So, today I went to pay my last month's rent on our house in Glendale. My Grandmother is sad to see us go, but hopes life treats us well while living with Nick's parents. While at my Grandparent's house, my Grandma decided she wanted to pay for me to do Weight Watchers. Her daughter (my aunt, obviously) died 5(?) years ago on the 19th and she was only in her early 50's. She died from an enlarged heart, which my Grandma tells me is from the fact that she was overweight for too long. I have been overweight for 10 1/2 years. It all started with the birth control I was on. Then the baby, then the next baby, then I was depressed and lazy, then yet another baby. It just keeps piling on. While I would like to think I have plateaued, in all reality, I have not. I have hit the mark that I swore I never would, and I seem to keep gaining just a couple more pounds here and there. I started crying when she mentioned that the boys need me to see more of their lives. So, please, wish me luck!