Wednesday, March 25, 2009


So, we are about half way through Spring Break and all of the kids (and myself) are still alive!!! I thought this week was going to be a lot harder than it has been, but all in all, it really hasn't been all that bad. We got the girls Friday night, Saturday we did some running around (birthday shopping and whatnot), Sunday was a chill day at home. I think. Sunday night we picked up the boys. Brandon was off the wall, as he usually is when we pick them up. I don't think I really ever got him all the way calmed down. Monday was the day I felt the most rushed. I had to bake a bazillion and a half cupcakes for the party that night, was watching the weather intently because for a week before hand, they said it was just supposed to be mostly cloudy, no rain, temperature in the mid 50's. Then when I watched the news that morning they changed it to rain by 5pm. Spiffy. the party was at 6. I made a last minute effort to message everyone I knew and let them know the party had to be moved indoors and we were going to take it to Pizza Hut. That's when everyone suddenly bailed on us. I had 5 people tell me that day that they weren't going to make it for one reason or another. So, as with every party (and every year this happens), my 2 long term friends with their 5 kids each came, as did my parents, and Nick's parents. Sigh. I really don't know why I even try anymore. So, we had 9 adults and 15 kids. lol We pretty much over took Pizza Hut, which, I guess I'm glad it was on a week day when no one was really dining in. The kids went crazy and had a bunch of fun. When it was over, my parents took the older boys for a couple nights. So, that gave us a break at home. We are going to be picking them up in about an hour.

I enrolled the girls in free swim lessons that happen every day during spring break every year at the Y. Allison is still mostly afraid of the water and Emma can swim with noodles, but I wanted them both to get more familiar with it. Eli can't go until next year. I got to go on Monday, while Elijah was gone, but Nick's parents have been sleeping in every morning, so I have had to stay home with him the last 2 days and have Nick take them alone. I am saddened, but he assures me they are doing well. Except when Alli puked in the pool today after drinking too much water. lol

So, since the weather doesn't want to seem to cooperate and we don't have the funds to find some place warm and sunny, we have been rather bored at home. I can only take so much Rockband and Guitar Hero and Gears 2 doesn't seem to float my boat. So, I have been spending way too much time on the computer, if we aren't watching a movie or playing Yahtzee! :) We watched Transporter 3, good movie. Just like the first 2. We watched Twilight because Nick FINALLY finished the book (I'm on the 3rd one). It was an awesome movie but I really enjoyed the book more. I'm excited to see the next one.

So, I guess I am done typing my "novel" as Nick says it is and I am going to find something more constructive to do.


Friday, March 20, 2009

Kicking and screaming

Despite my best efforts to do *nothing* today, except maybe laundry, I was sort of, in a way, forced out of the house. Elijah has been something today. He was annoying my father in law by getting into the stuff he was getting into, so around 1 (which is usually naptime, but he slept in way late today), I got us dressed and we went and ran errands. We went to Blockbuster and got Transporter 2 so Nick and I can finally watch the 3rd one. He attempted to rearrange the whole store in the 4 minutes we were there. We went to Portola park, which really isn't a park, but tennis and basketball courts. We even took a ball. I figured it would entertain him. He started wandering and noticed the playground of Riverside Elementary and I decided we could hike over there for a few, then go home for our nap.

We were there about 30 minutes and when it was time to leave, I had to get 2 balls, my book that another girl threw in the dirt/rocks for me, and drag a screaming baby behind me. He wasn't ready to leave but it was almost 3:15 and he needed a nap. We came home and I put him to bed, with more fighting. He passed out fairly quick, like I knew he would and I came in the computer room to fart around while the laundry dries.

My mother in law is very much into ancestry so she decided she wanted to put my info in there and start looking at my family tree. My phone rang and I ignored it because it was Nick's ex and I was in the middle of talking to my mother in law. So, then my mother in law's cell starts ringing and she answered it. It was, again, Nick's ex. Based on the responses I heard, she mentioned that Nick wasn't off work and home yet and then she asked if I was home. When Nick's mom asked if she needed to bring the girls by and drop them off, she refused, said I hadn't answered my phone and she would just wait for Nick. So, I got irritated. Nick and her had had an agreement because he was working late unexpectedly and I wasn't going to interfere with that. I didn't know what they had worked out and wasn't going to impose.

I called Nick because I was irritated and he told me not to worry about it.

I tried.

Then she called me again.

I answered this time and she's desperate to bring the girls over because she's having a bad day. So, I don't feel like venting anymore, because she came over and made it better.

Well, I'm off to start the bbq for dinner. Steak, baked potatoes and salad...yum!


Out of my ever loving mind. So, I come here to type!

It's Friday. Normally that's a good thing, but I feel kind of anxious about this Friday. This afternoon we get the girls. That's not anything uncommon as any every other Friday afternoon. I'm just not feeling well. I have low patience with them. It's spring break and they will be here for one week. Until next Friday. I don't claim to be the perfect parent. I get frustrated with my kids and even more so with "other" people's kids. I love the girls to pieces, but living with Nick's parents make it really hard to parent them. For Nick, also. Nick's mom tends to override what we want/say. She has gotten a lot better about it, but it's still there. Stupid stuff that makes me mad. Like the fact that Emma, being just turned 6, THINKS she is a vegan. She refuses to drink milk (but will have it on her cereal), won't eat any red meat, and she's starting to turn against poultry. It makes my menus very difficult, but we have figured ways around normal weekends. This isn't a normal weekend.

Allison is...well, 3. And a girl. So, she just doesn't listen and on top of it, throws fits, cries constantly and will go behind our backs to play Nick's mom against us. It's awesome. She, of the 2, I am closest with, but she can still be...a girl.
Thank goodness I have boys. I wouldn't know what to do with girls...and I am one!!! Although, Elijah seems to giving me a run for my money today. He is so energetic and I am so...not. On top of the sinus infection I STILL have, my ear is still in a way bugging me, and my throat started hurting pretty bad last night. I still have a horrible cough and feel like I'm going to die. Until the sun comes out. Then, I suppose I just ignore it all and try to enjoy the sunshine. Eli has decided he doesn't want to do anything I say, stole my FIL's phone, played in the dog food, was flicking spoonfuls of milk at the dogs and giggling...oy.
I tell ya, if he weren't so darned cute, he'd be on ebay already. lol Kidding of course!!!

I went to parent/teacher conferences yesterday. Both boys are doing absolutely outstanding!!! Devin is right on track for 4th grade and is exceeding some in math and a lot in reading. Brandon is SUPER exceeding in math, doing 3rd grade math when he's only in 1st, and we are discussing having him tested for TAG to ensure he gets the challenge he needs in school. Devin received all A's and B's and Brandon doesn't have letter grades yet but is still doing awesome.
Hopefully I start feeling better soon. I don't have any extra money for more doctor visits. We have a birthday party for Brandon and Emma coming up on Monday and all our money this week is going to that. I have yet to write Brandon's 7th birthday letter...I must be slacking.

Here's to hoping I get motivated!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I am semi-jealous that I can't seem to figure out my blog enough to add cool stuffs to them like my neat-o friends, but, oh well! I just need a place to vent, so here it is!

And on a side note:

Happy Birthday!!!!!!! To my most incredible, awesome, middle son. I ♥ you so much!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


So, real exciting, but I went to the Ear, Nose and Throat doctor today. Twice, really. I drug my butt out of bed to get dressed (I usually drop the kids off at school in my pj's), brushed my mop of a do, got the babe dressed and left the house. Dropped them at school to come back home for a few. My appointment was at 9. Or so I thought. I got allllllllllllllll the way up town and they tell me, "Uh, you're appointment isn't until 3:30 with an arrival time of 3:00." My jaw dropped to the floor and I left. I was really upset, but I guess I just wrote it down wrong. My truck was on "E" and I had $4 to my name so to drive all the way back up town was out of the question. I called Nick to complain to him, but to no avail. Talking to him didn't magically give me more money, he just comforted me.

I stopped by Lithia Dodge cause I have a friend from high school who works there. (I found an interesting fact out about said friend. He named his first daughter after me, which I knew about, and today, he found out we have the same birthday. How crazy is that?!?!) So, I wanted to talk to him about my options of getting rid of my truck for a friend, not a car salesman. So, long story short, it's not happening. There is nothing HE can do with how much is owed on my truck and the credit I/we have. Sweet. I can't afford the payments either, so, I have no idea what is going to happen.

Anyhow, I went by a friend's house that I haven't seen in quite some time and dropped off her A/C I borrowed last summer and visited for awhile. Brought Eli home for his nap and left for my doctor, again. Nick met me at the office cause it was good timing, and on the way home. I got there about 2:55, they called me back around 3:55. The doctor said the CTscan wasn't showing anything but a thickening in the sinus cavities. I told him I had severe pain and pressure on my left side. He numbed the left side with a spray, stuck the scope up there and told me he could see a polyp right off the bat. Maybe it formed after I had the CTscan 2 months ago? I don't know. In any case, he took a culture of my infection and gave me really strong anti-biotics for 2 freaking weeks, a nasal steroid and I have to "flush" my sinuses at least once a day, twice would be ideal. If this doesn't work, I have to have surgery. Again. My 4th one in 8 years. I don't want to have surgery again. My biggest fear with is going under anesthesia. With the previous surgeries, recovery was more painful and longer with each surgery. The last one took me a good 2 weeks to fully recover with the bleeding and the pain. How long will it be this time? And with a 2 year old running around, that should be great.

So, that's my news for today. I will let you know when it's certain. I go back in a month.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Let us see...

So, due to SOMEone whining that I *never* post on here, here it is!

I never post because it seems that I whine about the same things over and over.

I still have no job, but with talking to Nick yesterday, we have decided that with it being so close to the end of the school year, there is no point. The amount for 3 kids in daycare would be insane and he has assured me he will work extra to make it to where I don't have to work...yet. I'm not sure how I feel about this at the moment, I still feel as if I could very well go insane one day from just sitting here day to day.

We started our membership at the Y on Friday. We started our workout routine yesterday. We think to make our lives easier, we would have to work out Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and try to squeeze at least one workout on the weekend. Wednesday is too hectic at home because the kids have to make sure their homework for the week is finished and that they are bathed and ready to appear at their Father's, after school, the next day. So, we will make Wednesday and Saturday our breaks/family days.

I woke up this morning to a certain almost 7 year old (2 days!!!) in my bed making funny noises. He apologized when he woke me up and I found out later that he got up to pee while Nick was getting ready for work, laid back in bed until Nick left and then joined me back in my bed. How lovely it was to have him there when I woke up. lol It about nearly scared the pee out of me, but nice nonetheless. I got up and took them to school, donated some pants to the school cause they needed them and the boys outgrew them, checked on the cookie dough order, found it wasn't there yet, stopped by the Y, signed the tweedles (the girls) up for free spring break swim lessons because I am tired of carrying around TWO babies when we go to the pool. Elijah is acceptable, but Allison doesn't even want to TRY to let go of our necks. She won't jump off the side, cries when water gets in her face and just doesn't have fun. This will, hopefully, help her get more used to the water. Emma does good as long as she has a life jacket on or some noodles to hold on to. She wasn't that hard to threaten, I mean, get used to it.

I came home, started some crock pot fajitas for dinner (new recipe) and talked to my mom. I haven't talked to her in, well, forever. It sucks, but I refuse to call the house because my dad is a dick and she never answers her cell phone. So, I let her call me. We complained about Tim and how stupid he is with my boys, complained some about Antonio and Angela, talked about my little cousin finally being adopted by a family in Idaho. We talked about Xboxs and the boys, and even her taking them spring break. YAY!

I then decided to clean out the baby's toy box. Now that he is over 2, there was some infant toys in the box that we could really use passing on, as 3 of my friends just had babies. I dug all 8,537 hot wheels out of the bottom and put them in the box they are usually in for quick access because that's usually all he plays with. I must have emptied, seriously, 1/2 the toy box. It made enough room that I could cram the girls' toys in there and have a little less clutter around the house. yay me!

I have done the dishes, made my bed and cleaned my livingroom. I need to get my last load of laundry that has our bathing suits in it out of the dryer and folded. We need them tonight.

Brandon is still a loose cannon. He has the ability to control himself now, probably, 85% of the time. The other 15% I think he just doesn't care. I got so mad at him last night that I told him I was going to sell all of our videos games and not allow them to touch my computer or my Nintendo DS if they didn't start showing more respect to us by actually LISTENING when I ask them (mostly him) to calm down. Funny that, he was perfect the rest of the evening. Well, except trying to con me into giving him a dessert here when he had already had one at his dad's. The boy is horribly smart. He likes to play me/us and I'm not going to get walked all over by a 7 year old. Luckily, Devin is VERY honest and even though I am sure he would have LOVED to have a 2nd dessert, he told me right away they had already had one. Brandon wasn't very happy with him. lol

Conferences are coming up this Thursday and I am interested to see how they have grown in their education. Unfortunately, I have gotten to the point where I have requested a seperate conference from their dad. I don't want to see or hear his wife. I could tear her apart from limb to limb. On the plus side, the schools are VERY willing to give us 2 seperate times to meet so we don't have to cause any scenes.

And, while I was at it, I probably just made his life a little more hell because I called the kids' psychologist and asked them if it was possible to send their dad a bill because per our divorce papers, he is liable for 50% of any unpaid medical costs. 2 kids at what, $100-150/hr. Yeah, not cheap. They do happen to contract with my ex's insurance, so they will pay some, but I think out of pocket is $1000, then they pay 100%. They are really awesome at working out payments with families, but why should I pay the whole amount when he is liable for half?


I'm evil. And I ♥ it!