Friday, March 20, 2009


Out of my ever loving mind. So, I come here to type!

It's Friday. Normally that's a good thing, but I feel kind of anxious about this Friday. This afternoon we get the girls. That's not anything uncommon as any every other Friday afternoon. I'm just not feeling well. I have low patience with them. It's spring break and they will be here for one week. Until next Friday. I don't claim to be the perfect parent. I get frustrated with my kids and even more so with "other" people's kids. I love the girls to pieces, but living with Nick's parents make it really hard to parent them. For Nick, also. Nick's mom tends to override what we want/say. She has gotten a lot better about it, but it's still there. Stupid stuff that makes me mad. Like the fact that Emma, being just turned 6, THINKS she is a vegan. She refuses to drink milk (but will have it on her cereal), won't eat any red meat, and she's starting to turn against poultry. It makes my menus very difficult, but we have figured ways around normal weekends. This isn't a normal weekend.

Allison is...well, 3. And a girl. So, she just doesn't listen and on top of it, throws fits, cries constantly and will go behind our backs to play Nick's mom against us. It's awesome. She, of the 2, I am closest with, but she can still be...a girl.
Thank goodness I have boys. I wouldn't know what to do with girls...and I am one!!! Although, Elijah seems to giving me a run for my money today. He is so energetic and I am so...not. On top of the sinus infection I STILL have, my ear is still in a way bugging me, and my throat started hurting pretty bad last night. I still have a horrible cough and feel like I'm going to die. Until the sun comes out. Then, I suppose I just ignore it all and try to enjoy the sunshine. Eli has decided he doesn't want to do anything I say, stole my FIL's phone, played in the dog food, was flicking spoonfuls of milk at the dogs and giggling...oy.
I tell ya, if he weren't so darned cute, he'd be on ebay already. lol Kidding of course!!!

I went to parent/teacher conferences yesterday. Both boys are doing absolutely outstanding!!! Devin is right on track for 4th grade and is exceeding some in math and a lot in reading. Brandon is SUPER exceeding in math, doing 3rd grade math when he's only in 1st, and we are discussing having him tested for TAG to ensure he gets the challenge he needs in school. Devin received all A's and B's and Brandon doesn't have letter grades yet but is still doing awesome.
Hopefully I start feeling better soon. I don't have any extra money for more doctor visits. We have a birthday party for Brandon and Emma coming up on Monday and all our money this week is going to that. I have yet to write Brandon's 7th birthday letter...I must be slacking.

Here's to hoping I get motivated!