Friday, March 20, 2009

Kicking and screaming

Despite my best efforts to do *nothing* today, except maybe laundry, I was sort of, in a way, forced out of the house. Elijah has been something today. He was annoying my father in law by getting into the stuff he was getting into, so around 1 (which is usually naptime, but he slept in way late today), I got us dressed and we went and ran errands. We went to Blockbuster and got Transporter 2 so Nick and I can finally watch the 3rd one. He attempted to rearrange the whole store in the 4 minutes we were there. We went to Portola park, which really isn't a park, but tennis and basketball courts. We even took a ball. I figured it would entertain him. He started wandering and noticed the playground of Riverside Elementary and I decided we could hike over there for a few, then go home for our nap.

We were there about 30 minutes and when it was time to leave, I had to get 2 balls, my book that another girl threw in the dirt/rocks for me, and drag a screaming baby behind me. He wasn't ready to leave but it was almost 3:15 and he needed a nap. We came home and I put him to bed, with more fighting. He passed out fairly quick, like I knew he would and I came in the computer room to fart around while the laundry dries.

My mother in law is very much into ancestry so she decided she wanted to put my info in there and start looking at my family tree. My phone rang and I ignored it because it was Nick's ex and I was in the middle of talking to my mother in law. So, then my mother in law's cell starts ringing and she answered it. It was, again, Nick's ex. Based on the responses I heard, she mentioned that Nick wasn't off work and home yet and then she asked if I was home. When Nick's mom asked if she needed to bring the girls by and drop them off, she refused, said I hadn't answered my phone and she would just wait for Nick. So, I got irritated. Nick and her had had an agreement because he was working late unexpectedly and I wasn't going to interfere with that. I didn't know what they had worked out and wasn't going to impose.

I called Nick because I was irritated and he told me not to worry about it.

I tried.

Then she called me again.

I answered this time and she's desperate to bring the girls over because she's having a bad day. So, I don't feel like venting anymore, because she came over and made it better.

Well, I'm off to start the bbq for dinner. Steak, baked potatoes and salad...yum!