Wednesday, March 25, 2009


So, we are about half way through Spring Break and all of the kids (and myself) are still alive!!! I thought this week was going to be a lot harder than it has been, but all in all, it really hasn't been all that bad. We got the girls Friday night, Saturday we did some running around (birthday shopping and whatnot), Sunday was a chill day at home. I think. Sunday night we picked up the boys. Brandon was off the wall, as he usually is when we pick them up. I don't think I really ever got him all the way calmed down. Monday was the day I felt the most rushed. I had to bake a bazillion and a half cupcakes for the party that night, was watching the weather intently because for a week before hand, they said it was just supposed to be mostly cloudy, no rain, temperature in the mid 50's. Then when I watched the news that morning they changed it to rain by 5pm. Spiffy. the party was at 6. I made a last minute effort to message everyone I knew and let them know the party had to be moved indoors and we were going to take it to Pizza Hut. That's when everyone suddenly bailed on us. I had 5 people tell me that day that they weren't going to make it for one reason or another. So, as with every party (and every year this happens), my 2 long term friends with their 5 kids each came, as did my parents, and Nick's parents. Sigh. I really don't know why I even try anymore. So, we had 9 adults and 15 kids. lol We pretty much over took Pizza Hut, which, I guess I'm glad it was on a week day when no one was really dining in. The kids went crazy and had a bunch of fun. When it was over, my parents took the older boys for a couple nights. So, that gave us a break at home. We are going to be picking them up in about an hour.

I enrolled the girls in free swim lessons that happen every day during spring break every year at the Y. Allison is still mostly afraid of the water and Emma can swim with noodles, but I wanted them both to get more familiar with it. Eli can't go until next year. I got to go on Monday, while Elijah was gone, but Nick's parents have been sleeping in every morning, so I have had to stay home with him the last 2 days and have Nick take them alone. I am saddened, but he assures me they are doing well. Except when Alli puked in the pool today after drinking too much water. lol

So, since the weather doesn't want to seem to cooperate and we don't have the funds to find some place warm and sunny, we have been rather bored at home. I can only take so much Rockband and Guitar Hero and Gears 2 doesn't seem to float my boat. So, I have been spending way too much time on the computer, if we aren't watching a movie or playing Yahtzee! :) We watched Transporter 3, good movie. Just like the first 2. We watched Twilight because Nick FINALLY finished the book (I'm on the 3rd one). It was an awesome movie but I really enjoyed the book more. I'm excited to see the next one.

So, I guess I am done typing my "novel" as Nick says it is and I am going to find something more constructive to do.
