Thursday, April 23, 2009


So, Elijah wants toast. He starts whining and I tell him it has to cook first.

"No cook first!"

"If I don't cook it, it's not 'toast'."

He doesn't quite understand this yet, but he is now sitting down eating his jelly toast.

I just have one thing to say...

Cause I'm really butt-hurt about it and can't seem to let it go!



Maybe this will help me cope better.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Sooo...Friday, is it?

Well, today I have managed to wake up to my little one singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star", which was precious in itself. I lied in bed listening for as long as I could until I heard, "Mama, I need more milk!" lol He cracks me up. I drug myself out of bed and went to his room where he greeted me with, "HI MAMA! Can I have more milk?" and shakes his cup at me to let me know it's empty. From there, it went down the pooper of sorts.

The kid single handedly destroyed the livingroom. Twice. The dog hiked his leg on the corner of the toybox (not mine, the in-law's), Elijah is heartbroken that we are out of "ogurt", so instead, he has had a bowl of cereal, eggs and ham, cheetos, more ham, and a string cheese that he made me open so that he could tell me he didn't want it. So, I needed some quiet time and used the television as a baby sitter so I could have an hour of peace. It was nice. Posted my mother in law's dogs on Craigslist for her and was browsing the ads for awhile. Now it's an hour until naptime. Let's see what else he can get into!

Ah yes...

Never underestimate what a 2 year old can do to your livingroom in minutes!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Video to back up my last post!

They are a few minutes long, but they are cute and funny!




And hilarity ensued!

Elijah and I were in my bedroom getting ready to leave when he spots his wooden puzzles put up on a shelf. He begs with everything he has to get me to let him have them. I gave him 1. His animal one (it has less pieces than the number one, so that's good for me). So, he starts taking them all out and we are playing our normal game of "What's that?"

The conversation goes as such:

"Mama, what's this?"

"I don't know, Elijah...what IS that?"

"It's a kitty cat!!!"

"Yes, that's a kitty cat."

"Mama, mama! What's this?!" (as he points to an alligator)

"I don't know, Elijah, what IS that?"

"It's a crocodile!"

"No, honey, it's LIKE a crocodile, but it's called an ALLIGATOR."

"A crocodile!"

"Okay, okay."

"Mama? What's THIS?""I don't know, Eli, what IS that?"

"It's a blue piggy."


"No, honey, that's a hippo!"

"It's a blue piggy. *does the snorting sound*"

It was too cute to argue over any more.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Just shoot me and get it over with

This has *not* been a friendly week thus far. Monday wasn't so bad, I was having a great day to myself. All the kids came home and it was pretty uneventful. Tuesday was the beginning of bad. Tuesdays are like my Mondays, they are normally pretty horrible and I often get a case of the "Tuesdays". Please forgive me for the lack of sleep has made it to where pretty well my memory is shot, so I might not get all of yesterday right. Monday night I'm pretty sure the puppy kept me up off and on. I think I was up around 3, 3:30 and stayed up until 5:30, after Nick left for work, just to have the alarm scream at me at 6:40. I got up and got the kids going. No horrible fights between us, just them being noisy and as we live in a paper house, I try to keep them a little quiet in the morning because Nick's parents are still sleeping, usually, even though it seems we don't get the same respect...anyhow, that's not my point. I got them out of the house and to school. I came home, I really don't remember how it went exactly, but I got frustrated with the dog again. All it seems that I ever hear is my father in law screaming at her because she's trying to be a puppy and play with the other dogs. So, I took her, and the obnoxiously loud 2 year old and went to my bedroom, door closed. We watched cartoons all morning, I was in and out of conciousness from 9 until about 11:30 I woke up to check on the babe and he was passed out next to me. I turned the tv off and fell back asleep only to be awoken by the puppy, again. I took her out about 12:30, let her back in and went back to sleep. I was that tired. She woke me (and the baby) up again at 2:15 or so. Nick came home somewhere around 3. Oh, I called my dad when I got up, right before Nick got home because when we took the puppy from them, he said, "If anything goes wrong, or you can't keep her, bring her back here, we will find her a home." So, I originally called to talk to my mom...she's much easier to talk to. But, I sucked it up because she was at work and talked to him. He started chewing me out at first and when I started crying (because I didn't want to get rid of the dog, not because he was chewing me out), he apologized and said he had been really sick and in bed the last few days, he was just feeling grumpy and he knew I was doing what I had been told to do. That he was sorry I was going through the things I was. He was genuine about it. Or so it seemed.

I did what he told me to and talked to my mom, only she didn't answer her cell, so I just went by her work and told her what happened. She apologized for what we are going through and said she would run another ad for me and find her a home. We picked up the boys (so they could say good bye to the puppy) and called my dad on the way out to his house. The conversation suddenly shifted and he went from, "Sure!! Bring her back cause that's what I told you to do." to, "Well, I want you to try and find her a home as well, but she can stay here while you look, that's fine." Then, 10 minutes later when I got there.... It was a scream fight. Suddenly I was to "face the music and my responsibilities and I was to go stand in front of Wal-Mart this weekend and try to give her away." I walked away with him screaming behind me. Climbed back up in my truck and cried the whole way back to my mom's work. I can't believe the things he does to me. I wanted to apologize to my mother for what she was going to have to hear about when she got off work because of me.

So, that was pretty much the end to my bad night. I woke up with the dog at 2:30 this morning. Despite the fact that I went to bed at 11, I couldn't fall back asleep. I was furious. Around 3, I ended up getting sick to my stomach. Can't seem to sleep on a full stomach and I did eat a lot of dinner last night, so it came back up. 3:30 came and went, as did 4, I got REALLY mad at this point because Nick's alarm goes off at 4:45, and 4:54, and 5:03 before he finally gets up, so I knew it was going to be awhile before I got to fall asleep. I happened to start drifting off right before the alarm went off...then I was up, again. I got up with Nick, saw him off to work and went back to bed. Unsuccessful at sleep once more.

I got up at 6:30 to get kids ready for school. I had the normal issues with the boys; they were loud, uncooperative and unruly. Great start for a sleep deprived day. I dropped them off at school, came home and the baby was being pretty good, so I was just fiddling around on the internet. I placed an ad for the puppy on Craigslist and within 7 minutes, I got a call from people in Eagle Point that wanted her. They would be here at noon. I re-arranged my bedroom and cleaned our livingroom to keep myself awake. They came just after 12. Nice couple. Young, looked like they would have a little love for her. I hope she has a happy life. I didn't cry, suprisingly.

I laid down with the baby at 1. He fought me. Hard. I paddled his butt and he cooperated and fell asleep quickly. I laid there for a little while and apparently passed out shortly after. I slept until 4:10, he woke up about 4:30. Nick and I got into a heated discussion for a few minutes after a miscommunication and a short journey on the "drama llama" that seems to frequent our house. He picked up the kids from the Boys and Girlst Club, came home and they did their homework. I found out for the 2nd day in a row, Brandon was caught in the bathroom soaking paper towels and wadding them up to throw against the wall. Yesterday he was an accomplice, today he went solo. What gets me is he was so upset and so hurt for disappointing me yesterday, that he begged for his forgiveness and promised he would never do it again....just to, do it again. *sigh* I'm at a loss with him right now.

But, it's time for dinner and while I don't want to eat, I need to get the rest of the family fed.

Tata for now.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Something of an update

Anyone want a puppy?

Yeah, she's cute and all, but she's driving me nuts! She's worse than any newborn-2 year old that I have ever met! She keeps me up at night, she whines, she pees and poops everywhere, she picks on the other animals, she gets into stuff she's not supposed to. I wake up with bags under my eyes, I'm sluggish all day long and she doesn't sleep for more than 2 hours at a time!

Well, now that that is out of the way...


It was a semi-typical weekend. We finally got the rest of the truck payment paid and the insurance started, so I get to keep my truck for at least another 2 weeks, when the next payment is due. Yay me. On the downside, nothing else got paid. The phones are in danger of being shut off and storage was due 3 days ago.

So, anywho...Nick had Friday off. He had gotten a couple extra hours over the week and his company allows Good Friday to be a half day, so they just told him to take it off, he was just under 40 hours. We spent the day doing...something, though I don't remember what lol. Friday night we went out to Whiskey River in Central Point and hung out with our friend while her man (another of our friends) was playing a gig. We got home about 2:45am and I fell asleep about 4. Got up with the baby at 7, went back to bed at 9 after Nick got up and slept until about 12, when I had to start getting the baby ready for his dad's. Sent him off, ran to the dump in Glendale (had Nick's mom pay for the gas cause it's free up there since we still have our sticker), came home and got ready for our double date that really couldn't afford. lol

We went to Olive Garden at 5:30, had dinner (didn't cost what I thought it would), had about 2 hours to kill, so we drove to Tinseltown, didn't have anything to do and Cassie decided we should go to the little carnival thing they had going on in the mall's parking lot. So, we piled in the clown car (Nick's mom's PT Cruiser) and headed over there. Bought tickets to ride the ferris wheel (we thought it would be romantic), remembered how scared of heights I am, laughed at Nick because he is scared of them, too, left the carnival and went to Coldstone Creamery cause it's right next to Tinseltown, shared a Strawberry Banana Rendezvous with Nick, went to see I Love You, Man (damn good movie), got home around 12:30? Passed out around 2 and got up Easter morning around 9:30.

Nick and I went to the store around 11:30 to get the food for Easter dinner for the 2 of us. Nick's parents were going to a friend's house and my family was sick and all the kids were gone. So, after Wal Mart and Albertson's, we finally found a ham at Safeway. We came home and I cooked ham, deviled eggs, green beans, twice baked potatoes and rolls. It was SOOOO good. And, I ended up feeding Nick's parents because they decided at the last minute that they weren't going to their friend's. Of course.

So, here I am, enjoying my Monday of peace. I love my kids and my husband, but I really love to be alone once in awhile. To not have the tv on and blaring or a 2 year old at my hip 24/7. The dog is napping, all the cats are outside, my mother in law is at a class at the Job Council and my father in law is still in bed.

I am off to save the day!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My wish list

I wish I wasn't falling apart more every day. Both physically and emotionally.

I wish I hadn't made some of the choices I made in the past.

I wish I knew where my life was taking me.

I wish I had more money, but then, who doesn't?

I wish my kids weren't "borderline out of control".

I wish I would have known Nick and I were meant to be about 12 years ago.

I wish Nick knew how much he means to me. I have never felt this way before and it's kinda scary.

I wish I could just get a part time job (more than the 8 hours a week Wal Mart was giving me).

I wish I had a better work history. Everyone wants experience these days and I have little to none.

I wish I didn't live with my in-laws. Not that I don't appreciate everything they do for me/us, just that I am very independent and don't like asking other for help.

I wish I could have had the wedding of my dreams.

I wish having more children was a reasonable option, short of a miracle.

I wish I could run a successful daycare business from home.

I wish I could have my own place. Not necessarily own it, I'm not ready for home ownership.

I wish I got along with the girls more than I do.

I wish the girls liked me more.

I wish I had friends. CLOSE friends. True friends. Like on TV.

I wish my whole world didn't come crashing down at least once a week.

I wish I could track down the smell I am smelling.

I wish I could take Nick's job with us wherever we decide to move, I feel guilty making him consider leaving it.

I wish I didn't feel guilty all the time.

I wish my actions and choices didn't cause my children so much anguish. More guilt comes into play here.

I wish I was happy with what I have instead of always wanting something different/more.

I wish I had bigger boobs. Maybe not bigger, but definitely not the deflated balloons I have now from having 3 kids.

I wish I was skinny again.

I wish people would follow through with what they say.

I wish that I didn't feel like I was the only one trying to "diet and exercise" while watching everyone else eat whatever they want, whenever they want.

I wish the bills would stop piling up.

I wish Obama would hurry up with fixing the economy.

I wish the troops could come home to tend to their families instead of fighting (what I believe to be) an unending war.

I wish there was more sun here.

I wish I was done paying for my truck.

I wish my license wasn't suspended.

I wish Nick would stop smoking.

I wish I lived closer to my best friends. Too bad they hate each other.

I wish I was closer to the few friends I do have.

I wish I could find that smell!!! UGH!

I wish I had neater hand writing.

I wish I had a lap top.

I wish I had more room. I feel so cramped.

I wish my puppy would "skip" the puppy phase and be a well behaved dog.

I wish it didn't seem like I was speaking Japanese when I was talking to the kids.

I wish I wouldn't eat so much.

I wish Nick knew he really is my best friend.

I wish I wasn't so jealous of everyone and everything.

I wish I would complain less.

I wish I was done.

So, I am.

Friday, April 3, 2009

What can I say?

I'm a slacker. Or so it seems.

So, we made it through Spring Break with everyone alive and well (mostly). The boys left for their dad's on Thursday. Late Thursday night/early Friday morning the girls woke up throwing up. They weren't even holding water or medicine down, so we cut everything out of the diet and followed previous doctor's orders to start them out on a tablespoon of water 1-2 hours after the last vomit session. Wasn't working. We had to go run errands and left them here with Nick's parents. We came back and got our laundry (after having 5 kids home all week, there was a LOT), I didn't want to spend the next 3 days doing it in a single washer and dryer, so we went to the laundromat. Emma continued to puke up whatever it was Nick's mom gave her while we were doing errands while Allison seemed almost back to normal. Emma spent her time in the front seat of the suburban with the seat back sleeping. Elijah napped in his car seat while we sat on a bench next to the truck and waited for the laundry. The attendant/owner of the laundromat hoarded our new puppy while we were doing stuff. You know the kind who know so much more about everything than you do? Yeah, that was her. I mean, she was nice, just pushy. We finished the laundry and took the girls to their mom where they continued their vomiting sherade until Monday. They are doing much better now (as far as I am aware).

Elijah left for his dad's/the girl's mom's house (yes, my ex and Nick's ex are together) on Saturday. When Antonio picked up Eli, he mentioned he had a cold and I thought about keeping Eli home, knowing the girls were feeling yucky and now Antonio was. Eli was excited to see daddy, so I let him go knowing he would come back sick. Monday I picked him up and he was a little stuffed up but nothin too bad. Monday night he started coughing. Tuesday during nap, he woke up with a 102 fever. He refuses to take any kind of medicine for me, including tylenol. Nick's mom insisted I leave him home with her and Devin while Nick and I went grocery shopping and picked up Brandon. So, I did. I met Nick at Wal Mart and fought the crowds to get some food. 2 hours later, we came home and Nick gave Elijah tylenol, no problem. No fighting, no crying, no smacking at the syrienge, nothing. I was impressed and thought maybe he was over his argumentive stage. He gave him more before bed to cover at least most of the night, again, no problems. Elijah woke me up off and on all. night. long. I could hear him talking to himself and coughing through the baby monitor. He "woke" up when it was time to get kids up for school with yet another fever, I offered him medicine, he fought me tooth and nail. I gave up. If I try to force it down, he WILL puke it back up or spit it all over himself and me, I have tried. I let him be and he seemed to still be in a pretty good mood. I got him to let me take his temp at one point and it was about 102. I called the pediatrician at 8:30 when they opened and got him in. We went at 9:30 and he was up to 104.3. I expressed my concerns with the medication, they ran a rapid strep test (more on why next), that came back negative, they offered me an antibiotic through injection and I agreed it was probably the only way to go. I would have to go the pharmacy, pick it up, come back to the dr so they could administer it. We left and got a call from the dr. saying the pharmacy didn't have it in, but could have it by 6:30 or 7. I agreed. They called back, telling me I needed to go by said pharmacy and give them insurance card so they could start processing. I went to Nick's work in Merlin, had him give Eli tylenol (again, he took it perfectly), stopped by the pharmacy uptown, dropped off insurance, they called me a short time later and told me my copay for the injection was $30. I told them I couldn't afford it and called the dr. office back requesting they prescribe him zithromax, a once a day liquid. I figured Nick could give it to him when he gets home from work. The zithromax was only $7.50 for the copay and Nick gave it to him. Eli squirmed a little, but Nick talked him into taking all of it. He is still running a fever and was still up and down all night.

Devin and Brandon came home from their dad's on Sunday. I received them in clothes that were from their dad's house and a bag full of the clothes from my house. Nothing out of the ordinary. Until I got home, I didn't notice that the bag was full of DIRTY clothes. Ugh. For the years that we have been doing this, Tim has always made sure the clothes were washed before the kids came back and I return the favor. If they didn't happen to have time, they would keep said clothes until the next week, but nevertheless, they were clean when they came back. I made a comment along the lines of, "Huh, wonder why they sent them back dirty." and Brandon, who isn't someone you can always believe because of his exaggerations said, "That's because they said they don't care what you think or about you." Now, this time, I would almost believe that, but I'm still not sure. It's too bad we aren't on speaking terms anymore because I sure am curious as to why that happened. So, the kids went to school on Monday like planned and Nick picked them up on his way home. Devin went straight to his bed and laid down complaining of a bad headache. I figured he just had an extra hard day at the boys and girls club and got him some tylenol and water. Sometime later that night, he was running a fever. I kept him home on Tuesday and the headache was then accompanied by stomach pain. No vomiting or diarrhea, just hurting. So, that night I got it out of him that his throat might have hurt, just a little. I called the dr the next morning. He had a positive rapid strep test and was prescribed zithromax. He is feeling much better now.

So, as soon as we can get Eli over whatever he has and crossing my fingers that the girls don't come over with anything tonight, we should have a good weekend! We hope to take them swimming at the Y. The girls improved with their swim lessons over spring break, but they couldn't go on Friday due to the sick they had, I'm curious to see what all they learned.

And, as always, Nick and I are awesome. He had a great vacation and I wish we could afford for him to stay home more or find something we could do from home/together, but it's just not possible right now. I love having him home (most days lol). I am still struggling with my sinus issue, though the pain isn't too horrible lately. The worst part today is my back. It feels as if my whole lower right quadrant of my back is....seized? The slightest movement and I wince in pain or want to cry. I have one particular way I can be, so far, that doesn't hurt as bad. Unfortunately, it requires me to hunch my back.

And now it's just about time to get the kids up and going for school.