Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My wish list

I wish I wasn't falling apart more every day. Both physically and emotionally.

I wish I hadn't made some of the choices I made in the past.

I wish I knew where my life was taking me.

I wish I had more money, but then, who doesn't?

I wish my kids weren't "borderline out of control".

I wish I would have known Nick and I were meant to be about 12 years ago.

I wish Nick knew how much he means to me. I have never felt this way before and it's kinda scary.

I wish I could just get a part time job (more than the 8 hours a week Wal Mart was giving me).

I wish I had a better work history. Everyone wants experience these days and I have little to none.

I wish I didn't live with my in-laws. Not that I don't appreciate everything they do for me/us, just that I am very independent and don't like asking other for help.

I wish I could have had the wedding of my dreams.

I wish having more children was a reasonable option, short of a miracle.

I wish I could run a successful daycare business from home.

I wish I could have my own place. Not necessarily own it, I'm not ready for home ownership.

I wish I got along with the girls more than I do.

I wish the girls liked me more.

I wish I had friends. CLOSE friends. True friends. Like on TV.

I wish my whole world didn't come crashing down at least once a week.

I wish I could track down the smell I am smelling.

I wish I could take Nick's job with us wherever we decide to move, I feel guilty making him consider leaving it.

I wish I didn't feel guilty all the time.

I wish my actions and choices didn't cause my children so much anguish. More guilt comes into play here.

I wish I was happy with what I have instead of always wanting something different/more.

I wish I had bigger boobs. Maybe not bigger, but definitely not the deflated balloons I have now from having 3 kids.

I wish I was skinny again.

I wish people would follow through with what they say.

I wish that I didn't feel like I was the only one trying to "diet and exercise" while watching everyone else eat whatever they want, whenever they want.

I wish the bills would stop piling up.

I wish Obama would hurry up with fixing the economy.

I wish the troops could come home to tend to their families instead of fighting (what I believe to be) an unending war.

I wish there was more sun here.

I wish I was done paying for my truck.

I wish my license wasn't suspended.

I wish Nick would stop smoking.

I wish I lived closer to my best friends. Too bad they hate each other.

I wish I was closer to the few friends I do have.

I wish I could find that smell!!! UGH!

I wish I had neater hand writing.

I wish I had a lap top.

I wish I had more room. I feel so cramped.

I wish my puppy would "skip" the puppy phase and be a well behaved dog.

I wish it didn't seem like I was speaking Japanese when I was talking to the kids.

I wish I wouldn't eat so much.

I wish Nick knew he really is my best friend.

I wish I wasn't so jealous of everyone and everything.

I wish I would complain less.

I wish I was done.

So, I am.