Monday, April 13, 2009

Something of an update

Anyone want a puppy?

Yeah, she's cute and all, but she's driving me nuts! She's worse than any newborn-2 year old that I have ever met! She keeps me up at night, she whines, she pees and poops everywhere, she picks on the other animals, she gets into stuff she's not supposed to. I wake up with bags under my eyes, I'm sluggish all day long and she doesn't sleep for more than 2 hours at a time!

Well, now that that is out of the way...


It was a semi-typical weekend. We finally got the rest of the truck payment paid and the insurance started, so I get to keep my truck for at least another 2 weeks, when the next payment is due. Yay me. On the downside, nothing else got paid. The phones are in danger of being shut off and storage was due 3 days ago.

So, anywho...Nick had Friday off. He had gotten a couple extra hours over the week and his company allows Good Friday to be a half day, so they just told him to take it off, he was just under 40 hours. We spent the day doing...something, though I don't remember what lol. Friday night we went out to Whiskey River in Central Point and hung out with our friend while her man (another of our friends) was playing a gig. We got home about 2:45am and I fell asleep about 4. Got up with the baby at 7, went back to bed at 9 after Nick got up and slept until about 12, when I had to start getting the baby ready for his dad's. Sent him off, ran to the dump in Glendale (had Nick's mom pay for the gas cause it's free up there since we still have our sticker), came home and got ready for our double date that really couldn't afford. lol

We went to Olive Garden at 5:30, had dinner (didn't cost what I thought it would), had about 2 hours to kill, so we drove to Tinseltown, didn't have anything to do and Cassie decided we should go to the little carnival thing they had going on in the mall's parking lot. So, we piled in the clown car (Nick's mom's PT Cruiser) and headed over there. Bought tickets to ride the ferris wheel (we thought it would be romantic), remembered how scared of heights I am, laughed at Nick because he is scared of them, too, left the carnival and went to Coldstone Creamery cause it's right next to Tinseltown, shared a Strawberry Banana Rendezvous with Nick, went to see I Love You, Man (damn good movie), got home around 12:30? Passed out around 2 and got up Easter morning around 9:30.

Nick and I went to the store around 11:30 to get the food for Easter dinner for the 2 of us. Nick's parents were going to a friend's house and my family was sick and all the kids were gone. So, after Wal Mart and Albertson's, we finally found a ham at Safeway. We came home and I cooked ham, deviled eggs, green beans, twice baked potatoes and rolls. It was SOOOO good. And, I ended up feeding Nick's parents because they decided at the last minute that they weren't going to their friend's. Of course.

So, here I am, enjoying my Monday of peace. I love my kids and my husband, but I really love to be alone once in awhile. To not have the tv on and blaring or a 2 year old at my hip 24/7. The dog is napping, all the cats are outside, my mother in law is at a class at the Job Council and my father in law is still in bed.

I am off to save the day!